All Projects

Complete Extended-Kalman-Filter SLAM Pipeline in C++ from Scratch

ROS2/ROS, C++, CMake, SLAM, Machine Learning, Python, Wheeled Locomotion, Turtlebot

Genetic Algorithm for Slithering and Sidewinding creatures

Python, MuJoCo, Machine Learning, Nonlinear Optimization, Controls

Mobile/Whole-Body Manipulation with KUKA youBot

MATLAB, Manipulation, Motion Planning, Controls, CoppeliaSim, KUKA youBot

Ploughing through Clutter: Robust Non-Holonomic Motion Control

Python, Controls, Nonlinear Optimization, Manipulation, PyBullet, Wheeled Locomotion, Turtlebot

TeleOperation of Robot Swarms with ROS

Python, ROS2/ROS, Motion Planning, Controls, Wheeled Locomotion, Jetson Nano

Navigation and Kalman Filter Localization of Self Driving Car

Python, Motion Planning, Controls, Signals, Wheeled Locomotion, Webots