Genetic Algorithm for Slithering and Sidewinding creatures
Python, MuJoCo, Machine Learning, Nonlinear Optimization, Controls
Personal Motivation
Creature Specifications
- Model:
- Control:
Body Plan:
Joint Range:
1. Initialization
2. Selection
3. Crossover
4. Mutation
Fitness over generations
- Slithering

- Sidewinding

- Rolling:
- Flying
This Post is under construction 🛠️
Building a perfect portfolio from the ground up is a demanding process.
Over the coming weeks, I will be adding more information about my personal and professional projects.
If you’re interested, please check back on July 30th, 2024.
Your curiosity is greatly appreciated :)
In the meanwhile, the posts on:
- Search-and-Rescue Robot Dog: Autonomous Exploration and Visual SLAM with Unitree Go1,
- Complete Extended-Kalman-Filter SLAM Pipeline in C++ from Scratch,
- Dexterous Manipulation through Virtual Reality,
- Optimized Torques for Load Carrying,
- Dancing Hexapod - Full SE3 Body Pose Control,
- Navigation and Kalman Filter Localization of Self Driving Car,
- Mobile/Whole-body Manipulation with KUKA youBot,
- Legged Robots for Object Manipulation: A Review,
- TeleOperation of Robot Swarms,
- Home Automation with Clap Sequence Control,
- Robot playing T-Rex Game, and
- Maze Solver
are complete and ready for viewing!