Maze Solver
Python, Motion Planning
This is my implementation of the Wavefront Planner maze solving algorithm. Here, an Agent is manually moved around an M x N grid maze, and at any point can summon the Oracle to show them the path to the goal. Further, the entire interface is in a terminal and the walls of the maze are rendered off a bitmap, with unicode.
Personal Motivation
I completed this project during Northwestern’s MS in Robotics Hackathon. In a span of two weeks, we undertook various projects involving Randomly-exploring Random Trees (RRTs), computer vision, manipulation, path planning, and shell scripting in an extremely fun, gamified environment.
Wavefront Planner
A wavefront planner is a breadth-first technique for finding paths in a maze. It provides the shortest path from any starting location to a given goal. It also requires full knowledge of the maze.
Fig. 1. The Goal is the red square. The robot starts at the green square and knows the full layout of the maze. [Image Source] -
Fig. 2. Start at the goal. It is 0 squares from the goal so label it 0. [Image Source] -
Fig. 3. All the neighbors of the goal are a distance of 1 from the goal. (In this example the robot cannot move diagonally). [Source: Ref 1]. [Image Source] -
Fig. 4. All the neighbors of the 1-distance squares are a distance of 2 from the goal. [Source: Ref 1]. [Image Source] -
Fig. 5. Keep expanding until every square is labeled with its distance from the goal. [Source: Ref 1]. [Image Source] -
Fig. 6. Starting at any square (say the green one) the robot moves to the neighbor that is closest to the goal. [Source: Ref 1]. [Image Source]
This project fulfills its intended goal in a very pretty manner. The reason I have a separate post for this relatively short project is largely because it looks asthetically pleasing.