Ploughing through Clutter: Robust Non-Holonomic Motion Control

Python, Controls, Nonlinear Optimization, Manipulation, PyBullet, Wheeled Locomotion, Turtlebot

What problem does this solve?

Traditional PID control for tracking a moving target is inherently unstable on an under-actuated non-holonomic robot such as this one. Ultimately, any obstacles that come in the way can create errors so large, they’re impossible to recover from.

Limit Cycles

My approach instead uses a time-invariant controller based on a non-linear vector field.

This Post is under construction 🛠️

Building a perfect portfolio from the ground up is a demanding process. Over the coming weeks, I will be adding more information about my personal and professional projects. If you’re interested, please check back on July 30th, 2024. Your curiosity is greatly appreciated :)

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